Monday, November 18, 2013


Pandexio's slogan is "Read once, remember forever."

Pandexio is a brand new software that allows you to snip important sections of text and attach notes to those snips. They are then able to be indexed, searched, and shared.

Each day, we are flooded with information- too much to comprehend at one time. Only about 2% of what we read is important to us. Remembering that important 2% is the key to success. Pandexio creates your own personal index where you can quickly find the 2% you need. It works for many different types of workers- consultants, researchers, analysts, inventors, entrepreneurs, technical sales, thought-leaders, IT professionals, journalists, and of course students.

Students' environment is more competitive than ever before. Current note-taking lacks organization. Notes are located in multiple locations: textbook, notebook, yellow stickies, electronic notepad. This style of note-taking allows no way to search through notes you've taken. Sharing also becomes difficult.

Pandexio offers a centralized workspace. No more loose pages and messy handwriting. Notes cannot become detached from source text. Pandexio creates virtual index cards from notes you've taken. Pandexio removes the unnecessary time taken moving back and forth between text and notes and also allows for high quality of notes. Syntheses and conclusions happen much sooner. Pandexio is a wonderful learning tool. I believe it will become very popular in universities.

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